Безударная актриса

Каллейдоскоп про людей
23 Авг 2013
Изучила дипломы - исцелилась от всех болезней, включая похмелье. Эмейзинг творит чудеса!
2 Июн 2021
Ждали, ну конечно. У меня там все обтыкано уведомлениями, чтобы новые посты Ахмеда показывали как только, так сразу.
У нас на форуме не так много пациентов, действительно вышедших на международный уровень. Хотя это не пациент, это светило.

В прошлый раз у нас кроссовки и ремешки часов были подобраны под каждый аутфит, а теперь еще и интерьеры какие, в такой оправе драгоценный алмаз сияет еще ярче.

Безударная актриса

Каллейдоскоп про людей
23 Авг 2013
25 Сен 2013
Ну все, теперь не страшен високосный год, наше эмейзинг светило задаст планетам правильное положение!!

Он, кстати, сопроводил свои лучезарные образы комментарием и напутствием в чарующем эмейзинг-стиле?
1 Дек 2016
блядь блядь блядь аааа
Сердечное спасибо насику-медоносцу. Планета скоро перестанет помещаться в объектив, придётся срочно переоснащать Хаббл. Ждём первых ээээ красавиц и красавцев, которых коснулась десница эмейзинга.
2 Июн 2021
Он, кстати, сопроводил свои лучезарные образы комментарием и напутствием в чарующем эмейзинг-стиле?
Там было абзацев десять эпистолярного эмейзинга, но когда я вернулась, чтобы их принести, фейсбук меня не пустил :cry_ing:
10 Сен 2013
О, очень специально у меня исцелились все раны душевные и физические. Снова божественный свет и тепло, эмейзинг.
10 Сен 2013
Ахмед качал мире моды это что-то типа я твой дом труба шатал штоле.



Аллах не видит через впн
12 Ноя 2013
Ну все, теперь не страшен високосный год, наше эмейзинг светило задаст планетам правильное положение!!

Он, кстати, сопроводил свои лучезарные образы комментарием и напутствием в чарующем эмейзинг-стиле?
Он сегодня закрыл профиль, теперь только для друзей. Вчера все открыто было, повезло, успело фоточки сохранить.
31 Янв 2014
Он сегодня закрыл профиль, теперь только для друзей. Вчера все открыто было, повезло, успело фоточки сохранить.
Я вчера видело в ленте, а потом оно трахтибидох и исчезло, шайтан! И поиском не нашлось. В контакте, кстати, есть.
11 Июл 2022
11 Ноя 2014
В Ираке. Он всего Ахмеда уколол, шаурмой и булками. Вон какой упитанный. Это последнее, что выложил. Мнооого.
Неужели в трансгендеры таки подался? Жаль. Уходит планета.
Post automatically merged:

Ахмед качал мире моды это что-то типа я твой дом труба шатал штоле.
Эт он с английского - рокд зе фэшн ворлд.
27 Мар 2015
шо же делается! я ужо со времен его первой фотосессии состарилась сто раз, а Ахмедик периск - ни морщинки, ни сединки, ни че го! не стареет
5 Июл 2017
2 Июн 2021


Аллах не видит через впн
12 Ноя 2013
А я принес индайд - тексты последних постов. Не менее прекрасны и специальны, чем автор и фото.
Don't settle for half when you deserve the full , O full moon, and do not accept to be that choice in free time not accept to be second , O all perfection. Be the focus and foundation and do not be nothingness, O center of perfection
If you want to blossom again.. stick to a person who believes in you! And stay away from what hurts you.
A person must fall in love with someone who is afraid of losing him no matter what happens; His grief does not make him easy; He tolerates his mood swings and always needs him in everything. To always push him towards success and start with him from scratch until the end. A person who does not know what it means to live alone without him, and will never leave him.
Compliment, force thoughts, be a companion, and forgive beautiful forgiveness, do not break a heart with a rude word, and do not wound a soul with harsh behavior, make your words a balm on hearts, and your expressions a medicine for wounds, and smile in the face of those you know and those you do not know.
May God make you happy, give kindness to you, and be pleased with you, for the reward is of the same type as work.
Know that to the extent of your sincerity, you will achieve it, and to the extent of the purity of your intentions, you will embrace your dreams and find ease and guidance in your paths, and to the extent of your will, effort, and determination, you will achieve what you want.
Keep in mind in your path: “And that man has nothing but what he strives for.” remember well: “In proportion to the person of determination come determination.”
The planet Doctor Ahmed Angel
It is not enough to achieve success, but what is most important is excellence, creativity, brilliance, and the most superiority.

Oh God, if I achieve distinction, certificates, and glory, this is from Your grace, generosity, and success, O Most Merciful, O Generous, so do not deprive me of Your satisfaction with me, my success, my successes, and my success in serving my community and simple people.
Thank God for obtaining a group of scientific certificates and courses in general medicine and specializing in plastic surgery, orthodontics, and dermatology. Thank you to the symbols of science and medicine who honored me and handed me these certificates.
I thank my fellow doctors for their calls, their congratulations to me, and their celebration of my successes and excellence...
I thank my friends for their support and encouragement
The only way to do great things and be the best is to love what you are doing , give your best, and work hard at your work...
In order to gain glory and distinction among the rest with your successes, you need to sacrifice your sleeping time, sacrifice your sitting time with friends and family, and absence from practicing your hobbies, absent yourself from society, and be constantly busy. But besides that, you also need some words and encouragement that motivate you, in addition to your effort to achieve that. Success is being close to encouraging people who know your value.
Those who persevere reach the summit, the distinguished maintain it, but the creative people create new peaks and standards.
The discrimination you enjoy today is the price you paid in the past for not enjoying life...
The beginning of progress, achievement, and the beginning of achievement. Creativity and the beginning of creativity. Excellence and individuality in performance.
Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself, Success is what you do for others and get their appreciation and love.
Success is not measured by the position a person obtains in his life, but rather by the difficulties he overcomes.
Work to the best of your ability and you will succeed: Hard work will bring you success. If you are lazy and neglectful, the first person you will betray is yourself, your inner view of yourself, and your self-respect, as the path of laziness is known to end, and so is the path of hard work.
Use your innate genius and creativity: Within each of us, there are endless capabilities for creativity, waiting to be revealed, through training, education, and trying, on a daily basis. Always repeat this saying to yourself: You are a genius, you are special, you are creative, many times. Each of us is capable of acting in a genius manner regarding something. This is brilliant in science, this is in selling, this is in art, and this is in sports. Each of us can. He did one thing with genius and brilliance. Be the best and face life with strength and ambition...
What prevents you from displaying this innate genius is your conviction that you are ordinary, not special, and do not have talent, so why waste time trying? This is a mistake and you are the one who can change this belief! Always look for newer, better, faster and more profitable ways to do everything and solve every problem and dilemma. Create the future and write history...
The Planet Doctor Ahmed Angel
Happy new year, health , happiness and safety for you
the new year has came , I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations and write and repeat to you expressions of general optimism, hope and love for the new. Happy new year to all of you and the safety of your family and friends. We are on the cusp of the new year, and we hope to God that The era of 2024 is goodness, giving, grace and security.
A new year with complete satisfaction and hope. Look with optimism and leave everything that removes sadness behind you and do not give in to creativity .
Despite the tragedies, we can only smile. Losing anything dose not matter , but nothing more important than you . So live your life.
Never break all bridges with those who you love, for perhaps fate has written for you another meeting that will bring back the past, and connect what was cut off, and after the nice age had passed, who knows, perhaps a more beautiful age will come to you.
Sustenance is divided, and mistrust is of no benefit. Poor who is greedy, and rich who is content.
Every difficult thing, if you seek help from God, will become esay.
Stick to the bright smile, as it is the gateway to breaking the ice with those around you.
Sunset is no transition without a new sunrise.
The problem is not that you make a mistake, even if your mistake is serious, but rather admit that you are wrong and accept advice.
Simple life is what we complicate: you love something, you want something that you work hard to get, you love someone you care about.
Hope is that small window, small in size, but it opens wide horizons in life
Be strong in yourself, because you will be hold on if the supporter will gone one day.
Wait and be patient for success, what has become is that 2023 may have been right for some of you and maybe it will come for some of you, but this is not the end of the world, God is preparing good for you in 2024, trust in God and His timing and confirmation.
I urge you all to go into Christmas with pure hearts, saying came and beautiful smiles.
Just because 2023 didn't plan to predict it doesn't mean 2024 will be the same. Always have faith. Don't let anything in this world take away your happiness. Control your emotions and be happy and free. God loves everyone. To him we are all the same. God does not see color, so He is not a racist. For him we all are. God is the Lord of religion and the Lord of hearts.
I started the beginning of the new year from the best to change for the better, and I looked at the goals that I aim to achieve for the new year, and try to give up bad foods such as smoking or sleeping late and eating unhealthy foods and getting rid of them, and start with good techniques such as exercising and freeing up time in a better , smart and beneficial way to deal with, However, it is noteworthy that these challenges and plans that are decided at the beginning of the new year must be real and bearable, and you must determined to achieve success so their fate will not be failure
The Planet Doctor Ahmed Angel
Free your soul from the prison of your mind
Free your heart from the shackles of your pride
Free your personality from the constraints of your mood
Impress everyone with your distinctive, different and elegant personality
Impress everyone with your knowledge and culture
You are the spirit of beauty that flows from you and towards you, and you are the beautiful heart that plays its music from you and towards you
Reclaim the blessing of your pure love, O sun of dawn, and know the value of yourself, O full moon of darkness, and know that there are many things that do not concern you and are not worthy of you, for you are the knight and the smiley painter.
If you do not hear or see yourself, then it is time for your sun to shine, warm and illuminate the paths of your loved ones, and move and scatter your enemies, O beautiful features, O stealer of attention.
Make your own rules and let people follow it . Renew and develop them according to your wise and sound mind and not according to the developments of fate and life, oh the beauty of art.
Face and take responsibility for your life and your choices, you are the glory of your time
Do not looking for love as much as looking for the honesty that covers words, and the honesty that lies behind actions. Turn around and find confidence that the storms of the world will not shake. Look for constant eagerness and endless passion. Look for support and care . Look for someone who has affection and is close to compassion. Find safety. What does fear correspond to?
No one is responsible for your life, and no one will take care of you, save you, or make a difference in your situation. No one will run to help you, so be the leader, in control and proud.
What makes me truly happy is your strength, your happiness, your power, your control, and your bright future, even though I don't know you.
The Pland Doctor Ahmed Angel
5 Апр 2015
Еще пост с дипломами и сертификатами, белорусские и иракские, часть уже тут есть.
Молодец какой, хорошо учится. Я так понимаю, что он хочет развиваться в области косметологии? Интересно, не мешает ли ему ислам самореализации?